Friday, July 27, 2007

A few things on my mind...

Working on my self imposed assignments and projects this summer (I think that if I had known my wife would’ve had the summer off, then I would have taken summer classes) I find that I am drained and dry. I still wish to finish J&M16 before September classes start, but my mind is dry. My spirit is a little drained. I burned hard and fast thus far this summer, and now I am almost ash. One reason is that I haven’t been reading much. I’ve been Youtube-ing Flight 93, 9/11 exposed, and stuff like that. It is amazing what you can find. Did you know that the Bush oil dynasty supplied oil for the Nazi’s during WW2, and were almost brought up on War Crimes, but the issue got mysteriously put aside, to never be brought up again. Did you also know that on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, a flight 93 out of Boston landed in Cleveland, and there was no wreckage at the wreckage sight in PA? Al of this is documented accurately, but given no public attention by the cable or network news channels, just local news. There is so much to be found when exploring YouTube . It is truly amazing how easily we are manipulated by what we see on TV. I mean, if you think that what I just said is a bunch of lies, then you are easily manipulated, but if you believe otherwise, then you are probably a little easily fooled also. But we tend to believe majority thought. I think that it is just a natural to believe majority thought as water is to find the least path of resistance. I call it simplex sentential complectus; meaning Embracing simple thought, or a simple way of thinking. I think that not wanting a complicated world can be desirable. I think especially here in this country when we are being fed fast McFood and Everybody Loves Raymond reruns, with a hundred channels on cable or satellite, politicians who talk about simple front issues of war and environment, education and immigration, meanwhile all the free illuminati style world banks, including the Federal Reserve have their own agendas as to what we should be doing in this country. Putting Band-Aids on simple political issues, like combat withdraw should be deferred to the true issue of the need to revamp our entire foreign policies and public opinions on how we treat others internationally. The illuminati’s want us to talk about emigration, and have GWB be forgiving in policy, so as to one day, merge North America to one big country. Instead of watching CNN, FOX, and MSNBC, we should be boycotting them until they start neglecting their corporate mandating and manipulations of the press, and have an honest press that is really doing investigations and reporting. Hurrah for the free press, of which there is very little in this country. Did you know that over 700,000 Iraqi’s have died as a result from the war since 2003? And only less than 5,000 Americans. Not to belittle any bodies death, but don’t we do that? Don’t we belittle the value of Iraqi life. Aren’t most of this nation truly bigots when we want to support the war, which is illegal according the Nuremburg trials and UN policy. We as a nation are committing war crimes everyday in Iraq, and there are thousands of Iraq war veterans who are willing to testify in congress right now, even to international courts if necessary. Why don’t we mourn the loss of ¾ of a million people who all have dreams, hopes, desires, to be wed, parents, grand parents, homes, cable tv, electricity, running water and plumbing, a roof over their head, the feeling of safety that only comes with peace. What our current administration is doing should be tied in an international court. Our new Democratic Congress was the great hope to put an end to all this madness, and they have failed miserably. Someone must stop the insanity. As Christians, we must pray fervently that there is peace. We must not support the war in any fashion; even if that means depleting funds to the soldiers. That is how the Vietnam conflict eventually came to an end; Congress just stopped paying for the war. The biggest way to change things is to rally, to form organized, non violent protesting.

Anyway, I started reading a book about Zionist called, “Zionism in the age of Dictators”, by Lenni Brenner. IT is an extremely dry read; but basically he blames the holocaust on the Zionist, much like many of us Blame the terrorist attack on this country in 2001 on the Neo-Cons and NWO supporters. The book says that the pro-Semite organization in fact had been feeding anti-Semitism in Europe and America for a century before the Holocaust, just so they could get a separate Jewish state in Palestine. In fact, he has evidence that there are certain Zionist parties that collaborated with the Nazi’s and local Fascist political organizations, in order to incur the holocaust, showing that there is almost no price that will not be paid in order to gain power. Well, I don’t think that that is too far out as to what happened in 9/11. Before you start attacking me for having this position, you better first do your homework.

One thing is also for sure, as Christians, we are not to get too wrapped up in the affairs of the world. I think that we have an obligation to vote, but not necessarily should ally ourselves with a political party. IT is a tough call as to what that balance is, but we must find it. I find that if I get too wrapped up in these matters, I lose my zeal for personal righteousness, and want to get totally socially progressive, and political. But I am commanded that if it is up to me, live in peace with everybody, and that starts here at home. Even in church there are opportunities to find divisions due to political alliances, and that to me is sad. Perhaps if political affiliations causes divisions, then it should be denied all together. In fact, I don’t see why we shouldn’t all be politically aligned, other than sin and simplex sententia complectus.

But I digress, watching you tube is different than reading. It is faster, and brings more information quicker. As to where a semi-adequate writer will tell what he has to say, several times over, and over, before moving on is quite boring to me. I know personally that they are taught in College to write to a certain format. Intro, body, conclusion. So, you say what you are going to say, you say what you want to say, then say what you just said, and thus you have a book. Each chapter of the book has the same set up. It is dreadfully boring, but that is the nature of Non-fiction. In truth, I have more books to read than ever. But, if I read fiction for fun, during the day, I feel guilty for wasting time. If a man doesn’t work, he doesn’t eat, and idle time is opportunity to sin; so, I watch what I read and when. I know that the spirit of those scriptures apply even to a guy like me, who only has two or three really good hours a day to do stuff. I am blogging today, and I’ve been writing for this blog and the other one since ten, it is now almost two, and I am wiped out. I will need to rest before Vacation Bible School tonight. I tell you, I know that it is completely traditional and mocking the world to do it, but it is an evangelism home run. There are people in this town who do almost every church’s VBS all summer, so they can keep their kids occupied. We thought about sending Emily to some of the other VBS’s, but due to the veracity of our faith we decided not to. But the membership of our church is around two hundred, and we’ll get almost that many kids alone during this process. All their adult parents show up to drop off and pick up, and usually need very little encouragement to stay on for the day, even to volunteer for setting up snacks and stuff like that; plenty of time to have conversations about church and faith and all kinds of stuff. IT is an evangelism bonanza! I know, I know, at first I was like, “Everybody else does this, and we look like just another denomination…”, but then, over the past four years, I’ve seen some great things happen out of VBS, and think that it is very cool! I remember VBS as a kid, and those memories are fond ones, and inevitably lead me to where I am today, so I say, do VBS!

So, I am going to put down the book on the history of Zionist in the 19th and 20th century, and their disastrous plot to gain their own land of Government in Palestine, because I have enough things in today’s world to worry about. Moreover, my Master says that we should not worry about tomorrow, because each day has its own worries, and we need only know that God is going to take care of us if we continue to seek Him out; ‘nuff said.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

I just got tagged by Salguod. He is probably my best e-friend, and one of my closest most trusted friends in life. I trust him more than…say…95% of all Christians I know. His judgement and reasoning skills are superior to mine, and his level head has often kept me from going into parallel universes (figuratively speaking).

Okay, so the challenge is to list 8 things that you, a reader, probably don’t know about me. That’s tough because I’m pretty straight forward, but let’s try…

1.) Well, my freshman year in high school, I was promised a 4 year, full scholarship (in word only) to Arizona State University for band. I had become, as a freshman, one of the top tubists in my region, and I was told nationally, but I think that was just to boost me up. Well, to one of my biggest regrets in my life, I quit band shortly there after. I just wasn’t equipped to be doted on like that, and the pressure got to me…
2.) Also, at that same time, one of my classmates was sneaking blackberry brandy out of his folks house, and coming over in the late afternoons, and we’d walk the back allies of our neighborhood getting mildly drunk. The combination of the two is what really got to me
3.) My senior year in high school, I was turned down by the Denver Institute of Art for admittance. My Portfolio was accepted, but my grades were too low
4.) Also, by this time, I was drinking vodka in big gulps in school, and frequently taking LSD in class. Sadly, it got worse before it got better.
5.) In ’95 or ’96 I met a contact for Disney studios animation dept, and had an opportunity to showcase my portfolio for work. This would have involved moving to Orange County Calif., but at the time we were living in San Diego County (just one county over), but (here is the hard to understand thing unless you were there) I was advised that if I moved up there, I would not be supported by the ministry to “transfer” membership because I wasn’t “spiritual” enough (saying it sounds a bit cultish, I know, and it felt like it too, but if you were in that environment, it made sense). Anyway, that really broke the barrier in my pride, and led me to humbling out enough to get right with my girlfriend at the time, and later that year we got engaged; so it all worked out.
6.) Shortly after my wife gave birth, she fell asleep (in the delivery room) and the nurses were giving us a minute alone. Out of the window you could oversee the Pacific Ocean and San Diego Bay. It was morning so the sun was reflecting silver off of the water. I held my child up in the air towards the sight, and prayed to God, devoting my child to Him, and pledging her raising to His desire and Will.
7.) It has been a secret desire to move to London someday, and live there at least ten years—the thing is though, I’ve never been to London.
8.) Lastly, if every project I have ever started were finished right now, I’d have five or six novels, three or four graphic novels, four TV pilots, four TV reality show proposals, seven or eight comic book scripts, and three or four more books of poetry, all finished. I loose enthusiasm, then gain it back again later, only to loose it again later, and back and forth endlessly.

That’s it. I don’t know if you all know any of those things or not, but to the best of my ability those are the ones I listed. There were five or six more, but they couldn’t be listed without harming others, so, ‘ter ‘tis.

I don’t really know who else to tag, that Salguod didn’t, so I’ll have to get back to you on that…

Monday, July 02, 2007

This week...

It is Monday morning and I am facing a week of relatively unknown events. I know what it is that I want to do, but I face what I want to do right now—I am overwhelmingly in love with God, so my options, due to that irreversible force of both devine and fleshly will and desire, is simply to spend time with God. I do this several ways. The first is to read the bible. But that is a dilemma for me. You see, what God has to say is in many ways demanding. His will for our lives is to obey Him, love Him, and never forsake Him. There are times when I fear what He will ask of me. I know the price—and sometimes I think that I am far too in love with my life, than to give it over. This is a basic struggle of wills and won’t. The price of freedom has always come at a high cost. I think of all the lives that have been lost for political and religious freedoms, and it is a death toll immeasurable. But my fight today is the fight of spiritual freedom. I want to be lethargic, to give in to my flesh, and cheat God out of the opportunities that could be provided today through me. Today, not only can I have a morning devotional, I can also invite someone to church, share my faith with anybody, influence my daughter for the better, and more so, be ready to surrender my life to the point of death. The goal is to resist sin, even if it means costing my life to do so, hence Christ Jesus. Someday’s, like today, I’m just not feelin’ it. BUT, then I remember that late night in November, it was one in the morning, and I confessed, not only that Jesus is the Son of God, and died on the cross for me, and moreover, I confessed that Jesus is the Lord of my life. That late night/early morning, I pledged myself to God, and the ultimate ruler of my life. I pledged myself to surrender my will to Christ, and not just because it was the right thing to do; not just because I wanted my sins forgiven (an overwhelming sensation at the time), but because I fell in love with God through out the previous three or four months, and I fell hard. I had just sacrificed every friend I had, and was literally starting my life all over again. I committed to making the Christians my friends, and my discipler my mentor. I was ready to learn, grow, and make God proud. I was fired up! I was eager and prayerful! I was happy—happy to love unconditionally and not be hurt. I was healing. I had fallen in love with two different women, both amazing, both rejecting me. My best bud and I were heading in two different directions, and frankly, had spent so much time together, we couldn’t stand each other. Then there I was, standing in a lighted pool, of which I had to jump the gate just to get in. The man who had befriended me, and taken me through the bible passages need in order to learn what God wanted from me, and he, a foot shorter than me, after my confession, baptized me. After which, all the brothers went to bed—“congratulations brother, I’m going to bed now”—although discouraging at the time, within two weeks later I understood why they wanted to go to bed and not go to Denny’s and get coffee and celebrate, which I did on my own. The life of a college student, and Christian, is chaotic and exhausting. But, I loved every minute of it. Not college, but being a Christian on the campus of ASU. Although I was completely blinded to the truth, that time of my life was desperately needed in order to gain the discipline that I was so desperately needed. Now, almost twenty years later, I am a college student again (summer break), and still a Christian, living more to the truth than ever before. And that takes me back to this morning. It is that discipline that I need now in order to get off my duff at this computer, and go have my quiet time with God.