Ron Paul and Conspiracy Theory
I saw something on Youtube last night that made you guess if the next statement was from Bush 43 or Hitler, I didn’t get it write needless to say (meaning that I gave Bush the benefit of the doubt). Anyway, then they had some comparisons to political agendas and the similarities. Youtube is an interesting thing. There is a lot of Youtube that is completely fictional, and in fact, there are individuals and groups that are intentionally trying to create good, passable fiction, just like a writer, movie maker, or artist does. I call them “Tubers”. These tubers are masters of their craft. Some of them are film students who are trying to pull an Orson Wells and create a national hysteria from their work, some are so obvious that it is just bad, or worse than bad, “B” movie want-to-be’s. There are also many good things about Youtube. One of which is the attention that presidential candidate Ron Paul is getting. Yeay Ron Paul! I think if you search him and listen to what he has to say, and already have a sober judgment as to the damage that Bush 43 has done to this country, then you will see that Republican Candidate Ron Paul could actually save this country from itself. Only if we could have a fair election process that wasn’t totally corrupt. Anyway, you tube is also a great source of information that is not tainted by commercial agendas from corporate masters. You literally can’t trust cable and network news to bring you the truth as to what this country's government is doing to the world, and how we are in truth, really the bad guys of the world. We are working to take over the world under the Neo-cons, who in fact only are a front for the New World Order and so forth. Now people look at our country and think that we are sheltered from less civilized country. Hey, we may have better plumbing than most of the world, but our sheltering is really our own naïveté brought on by our endless hours of watching television. Television is our master. We spend hours bowing down to it and worship what ever it tells us as truth. If you believe what you believe politically from what you know from Television, chances are you are deceived. There are news sources that are trying to tell Americans the truth; they are trying to get our attention and break through the barrier. There are organizations trying to reach out to the citizens of this country to let us know that if we don’t act, then we are just as guilty of the war crimes being committed by Gb43 as he is. Truly there is a different dynamic in our current situation that I haven’t seen before. I have a brother who is a historian, and he could most likely recall some time in history that is similar to now, but I can’t. I can’t remember a government who wanted to conquer or have military and political influence over the whole planet. They plan, they say is to have everybody chipped by the time my daughter is my age, and no chip, no nothing: job, money (a paperless society), health care, education, food, water, air, utilities, trade of any kind. Of course there will be reactionary people who will band together and create mini-cultures that will live off the planet with self sufficiency, and so forth. Gosh, this sounds like a science fiction movie. Well, with youtube, that is your gamble; what to, and not to believe. Just because our current media news broadcast agencies have massive agendas, doesn’t mean resources like youtube are any more reliable. I also know that if something like this supposed one world order comes about, it will happen gradually and we will barely know any better. That is how Satan works on our relationship with God: slowly and with patience. But, the devils know that their time is almost up. That is something that the Illuminati don’t know. They think they have time, as they always have, and have no reason to think otherwise. But we have nothing to fear other than the Wrath of God. I remember bringing this up to my mentor type person called my discipler (ICOC) when becoming a Christian in bible study. He looked with a curious look on his face and said, “I guess we’ll just have to study the bible with them too!” I laughed. It was so basic and true. Regardless of what is going on in the world, we will always have our divine responsibilities and obligations, even if it brings us great harm or death. The simplistic nature of God’s will is brilliant, as to the fact that we don’t have to panic as to what may come or go, because we are not of this world! This world is not our home, and all is only temporary. They (insinuating the world) may come and take our homes and possessions, or even separate us from our family, but the truth is that they will never take our hearts and souls. The love we have for God and our families will undoubtedly be challenged again and again, good or bad, but by holding out, we, the Christians, win, as the Father through Christ our Victors! So, whether you hold on to SIMPLEX SENTENTIA COMPLECTUS or not, we still MUST hold on to the reasonable understanding (if the cross makes sense to you) that this world is not our home, and we will always be threatened by it. This is a basic biblical promise of Christ, undeniably! If you hold on to every conspiracy theory there is, the basic truth remains, “This world is not my home and I’m just a passin’ through. My treasures are laid up, somewhere beyond the blue. The Angels beckon me from Heavens open door and I don’t feel at home in this world anymore!”
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